
Volunteer Opportunities

The 2nd and 4th Monday of each month, we provide hot meals and salads to New Hope Resource Center in downtown Puyallup. We are always looking for volunteers to:

  1. Provide hot meals (12-60 servings)
  2. Provide salads (50 servings)
  3. Drive meals down to New Hope on Mondays

Meals can be brought to the church on Sundays to be delivered on Monday. 

Our needs for outreach change throughout the year, and new opportunities to serve may pop-up without much notice. If you would like to be involved with outreach activities, let us know! We have opportunities to serve with:

  1. meals
  2. transportation
  3. babysitting
  4. cleaning
  5. yardwork
  6. providing company
  7. writing cards
  8. special events

We are always looking for ways to support our families. Volunteers are needed to continue to offer fun events and outings. Let us know you would like to be involved and we will match you with an opportunity to serve. 

Each summer we hold VBS for one week. If you would like to volunteer, please let us know!

Each week during the school year, we provide bags of food to children for the weekend. To make this happen, we depend on donations for food, and the help of individuals to shop and pack bags. Get involved with this amazing program and become a:

  1. shopper
  2. packer
  3. deliverer

If you’d like to volunteer, please fill out the form below.